Privacy Policy

Effective as of April 25, 2019


The following are Roots of Reality’s policies regarding the use, collection, and disclosure of your personal data, when you engage with Roots of Reality’s content. Your data is used in order to improve Roots of Reality. By engaging with Roots of Reality’s content you are thereby agreeing to the collection and use of your personal information and data in any legal way without notice. Also, Roots of Reality may disclose your data to fulfill any legal obligations and requirements without your notice at any time. In addition, Roots of Roots cannot guarantee the security of your data, thus you are engaging with Roots of Reality’s content at your own risk, and Roots of Reality cannot be held liable for any harm that happens to you. This includes, but is not limited to email notifications regarding the latest Roots of Reality content and more. This content and its features shall be solely determined by Roots of Reality. If you would like to subscribe to Roots of Reality, you must be at least age 18 or older. To subscribe you must visit ROOTSOFREALITY.COM/PODCAST and enter your email and click the “Subscribe” button. By doing this you agree to all of Roots of Reality’s terms and conditions to receive emails from Roots of Reality to the email that you have subscribed with, as well as agree to the automatic renewal of your subscription based on this agreement, unless you unsubscribe. Additionally, you agree to inform Roots of Reality regarding any unauthorized use of its content. Finally, it is up to the discretion of Roots of Reality to determine what content is accessible to you at all times. Roots of Reality’s content may become unavailable at any time and for any reason without notice and reserves the right to remove and add any content at any time including, but not limited to its website, social media accounts, YouTube, podcast platform accounts, and more. Roots of Reality’s content is for your personal use only. You cannot under any circumstances use Roots of Reality’s content for commercial use, nor change, copy, modify, distribute, display, transmit, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create, or sell information from any derivative works of Roots of Reality’s content, without the permission and consent from Roots of Reality. Additionally, you may not share your subscription with anyone else and Roots of Reality may revoke your or anyone else’s subscription and access at any time, without notice, to all of Roots of Reality’s content, on all platforms wherever they may be found. If you choose to cancel your subscription, you may do so by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in your emails. Lastly, you agree that you and your representatives, shall not, defame, libel, and slander Roots of Reality, nor sue or file any claims whatsoever against Roots of Reality in any way for any reason. In conclusion, Roots of Reality may change or modify its terms of use at any time without notice to you or your representatives. For any questions or concerns, you may contact Roots of Reality at